
Website Terms & Conditions

Thank you for visiting our website https://www.laserclinicsnewzealand.co.nz/. This website is owned and operated by LCNZ Franchising Pty Limited (trading as Laser Clinics New Zealand) and its associated entities ('Laser Clinics', 'us' or 'we'). By accessing and/or using this website and related services, you agree to these Terms and Conditions (Terms). You should review these Terms carefully and immediately cease using our website if you do not agree to these Terms.

  1. Accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of information

We use all reasonable attempts to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information we provide to you, however the information on our website is not comprehensive and is intended to provide a summary of the subject matter covered.

We recognise that you have rights under the New Zealand Consumer Law which forms part of the which forms part of the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 and the Fair Trading Act 1986 (New Zealand Consumer Law) but, to the extent permitted by law make no warranty regarding the information on this website. You should monitor any changes to the information contained on this website.

We are not liable to you or anyone else if interference with or damage to your computer systems occurs in connection with the use of this website or a linked website, save for instances of our fraud, negligence or wilful misconduct. You must take your own precautions to ensure that whatever you select for your use from our website is free of viruses or anything else (such as worms or Trojan horses) that may interfere with or damage the operations of your computer systems.

We may, from time to time and without notice, change or add to the website (including the Terms) or the information, products or services described in it. However, we do not undertake to keep the website updated. We are not liable to you or anyone else if errors occur in the information on the website or if that information is not up to date.

  1. Special terms for particular services and promotions

For certain services, campaigns, promotions, or contests, additional terms and conditions may apply. You can find information on these terms and our policies at Current Promotional Terms & Conditions. You acknowledge that if you want to participate in such a campaign, promotion, or contest, you may need to agree to the relevant terms and conditions. In case of any inconsistency between such terms and conditions and these Terms, those terms and conditions will prevail.

  1. Online Customer Portal

You may need to be a registered user to access certain features of our website, including the Online Customer Portal (Portal). Your use of the Portal for bookings and/or purchases is subject to the Booking and Purchase Terms at [insert hyperlink to Booking and purchase terms and conditions].

  1. Linked sites

Our website may contain links to websites operated by third parties. Those links are provided for convenience and may not remain current or be maintained. Unless expressly stated otherwise, we do not endorse and are not responsible for the content on those linked websites and have no control over or rights in those linked websites.

  1. Privacy

We may collect personal information about you for purposes otherwise set out in our Privacy Policy.

Our Privacy Policy: (i) how we store and use, and how you may access and correct your personal information; (ii) how you can lodge a complaint regarding the handling of your personal information; and (iii) how we will handle any complaint. If you would like any further information about our privacy policies or practices, please contact us at privacy.officer@laserclinics.com.au.

  1. Intellectual property rights

Unless otherwise indicated, we own or license from third parties all rights, titles, and interest (including copyright, designs, patents, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights) in this website and in all of the material (including all text, graphics, logos, audio, and software) made available on this website (Content).

Your use of this website and use of and access to any Content does not grant or transfer any rights, title, or interest to you in relation to this website or the Content. However, we do grant you a licence to access the website and view the Content on the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement and, where applicable, as expressly authorised by us and/or our third-party licensors.

Any reproduction or redistribution of this website or the Content is prohibited and may result in civil and criminal penalties. In addition, you must not copy the Content to any other server, location, or support for publication, reproduction, or distribution is expressly prohibited.

All other use, copying, or reproduction of this website, the Content, or any part of it is prohibited, except to the extent permitted by law.

  1. No commercial use

This website is for your personal, non-commercial use only. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, commercially exploit, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any Content, software, products, or services contained within this website. You may not use this website, or any of its Content, to further any commercial purpose, including any advertising or advertising revenue generation activity on your own website.

  1. Unacceptable activity

You must not do any act that we would deem to be inappropriate, is unlawful, or is prohibited by any laws applicable to our website.

  1. Warranties and disclaimers

We recognise that you have rights under the New Zealand Consumer Law but, to the maximum extent permitted by that law, we make no warranties or representations about this website or the Content, including but not limited to warranties or representations that they will be complete, accurate or up to date, that access will be uninterrupted or error-free or free from viruses, or that this website will be secure. We reserve the right to restrict, suspend or terminate your access to this website, your account, any Content, or any feature of this website at any time provided that we will seek to provide you with reasonable notice of such restriction, suspension or termination where practicable and having regard to the nature and circumstances of any potential breach of these Terms. We will not be responsible for any loss, cost, damage or liability that may arise as a result, save for instances of fraud, negligence or wilful misconduct.

  1. No professional medical or healthcare advice

(a) You agree that the website and Content is of a general nature and does not constitute professional medical or healthcare advice, diagnosis or recommendation of treatment and are not intended to, nor should they be used to, replace professional medical advice. In no circumstances should any Content be relied upon without independent consideration and confirmation by a qualified medical practitioner.

(b) We make no representations or warranties with respect to any treatment, action, suitability or application of products (including medication) or preparation by any person whether based on the Content or not. In no circumstances will we be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary or other damages arising from the same, save for instances of our fraud, negligence and wilful misconduct.

  1. Liability

Subject to local consumer protection laws including the New Zealand Consumer Law, and any rights you may have under these laws, in no event shall we be liable for any direct and indirect loss, damage or expense – irrespective of the manner in which it occurs – which may be suffered due to your use of our website and/or the information or materials contained on it, or as a result of the inaccessibility of this website and/or the fact that certain information or materials contained on it are incorrect, incomplete or not up-to-date, save for instances of our fraud, negligence and wilful misconduct.

  1. Jurisdiction and governing law

Your use of the website and these Terms are governed by the law of New Zealand, and you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts exercising jurisdiction in New Zealand.

Booking and Purchase Terms & Conditions

Thank you for choosing a Laser Clinics New Zealand clinic. In these Booking and Purchase Terms and Conditions (Terms), the term “Laser Clinics New Zealand” refers to LCNZ Franchising Pty Limited (doing business as Laser Clinics New Zealand) and these Terms apply when you make a booking and/or purchase through our website (https://www.laserclinicsnewzealand.co.nz/) (Website), via telephone, or in-person at a Laser Clinics New Zealand clinic.

By making a booking or purchase you agree to these Terms with your Chosen Clinic (refer to section 1.1 below). References in these Terms to 'we', 'us', and 'our' are references to your Chosen Clinic (as defined in section 1.1 below). The term “you” refers to the customer of Laser Clinics New Zealand.

You should review these Terms carefully and not proceed with a booking or purchase if you do not agree. You should also review the Laser Clinics New Zealand Website Terms & Conditions  and Laser Clinics Privacy Policy , which outlines (as applicable) the additional terms that apply to the use of the Website, and provide information on how your personal information is handled by Laser Clinics Group Entities (as defined in section 1.1 below).

  1. Agreement

1.1 Formation of agreement with your Chosen Clinic

These Terms are agreed between you and your Chosen Clinic. You do not have any entitlement to receive goods and/or services from any other Laser Clinics Group Entity.

(a) You agree that you enter into these Terms with the clinic that:

(i) you have indicated is your 'preferred clinic' either on the Website or via phone; or

(ii) such clinic that you make an in-person booking with,

(your Chosen Clinic).

(b) You acknowledge and agree that you are making a booking with and/or purchasing a right to receive goods and/ or services from (as applicable) your Chosen Clinic only and are not making a booking with and/or purchasing a right to receive goods and/or services from any other Laser Clinics New Zealand entity, including franchised clinics, LCNZ Franchising Pty Limited or any ‘related company’ ’ of LCNZ Franchising Pty Limited within the meaning of s.3 of the Companies Act 1993 as well as any subsidiary or any affiliates of Laser Clinics New Zealand  (collectively, the Laser Clinics Group Entities).

(c) Subject to local law, you agree that your sole rights and entitlements are with your Chosen Clinic, and you agree not to take any action against any other Laser Clinics Group Entity in connection with these Terms. 

1.2 Client consent form

You agree that you will be required to agree to additional terms with your Chosen Clinic before you receive relevant goods and/or services, including (without limitation) the client consent form.

1.3 Additional terms for particular services and promotions

(a) For certain services, campaigns, promotions, or contests, additional terms and conditions may apply. You can find information on these terms and policies at: Current Promotional Terms & Conditions.

(b) You acknowledge that if you want to receive certain services or participate in a campaign, promotion, or contest, you agree to those applicable terms and conditions. In case of any inconsistency between such terms and conditions and these Terms, those terms and conditions will prevail.

1.4 Assignment

(a) Subject to clause 1.4(b), we may assign these Terms to any other Laser Clinics Group Entity without your consent.

(b) We may only assign these Terms to a Laser Clinics Group Entity within a reasonable distance of your Chosen Clinic, and that is capable of performing the obligations owed to you, or otherwise with your consent (not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed).

(c) You may assign these Terms only with our written consent, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

  1. Accounts

2.1 General

To make a booking or purchase through the Website, you must register for, and hold, an account for your use of our customer portal (Account and Portal). You must not create an account on behalf of another person. To create an Account, you:

(a) must be at least 18 years of age;

(b) must possess the legal right and ability to enter into a legally binding agreement with us; and

(c) agree and warrant to use the Website in accordance with these Terms.

2.2 Collection of personal information

(a) As part of making a booking and/or purchase, you will provide us with personal information, including your full name, date of birth, and contact details (such as your email and phone number). We collect personal information about you in order to process your booking and/or purchase, provide you with marketing materials, news, and promotional offers from us, and for purposes otherwise set out in the Privacy Policy.

(b) In addition to the information above, we may collect sensitive information (including health information such as health, medical conditions, treatment history, family health history, diet, and lifestyle information) from you, or others involved in your health, in order to provide appropriate goods and/or services to you.

(c) We may disclose your personal information and sensitive information to:

(i) other Laser Clinics Group Entities; and

(ii) third parties that help us deliver our services (including IT service providers, and providers of marketing, market research, and consulting services) or as required by law. If you do not provide this information, we may not be able to provide all of our services to you. We may also disclose your personal information to recipients who are located outside of New Zealand , including to third-party service providers located in Australia, the United States and the Netherlands.

(d) The Privacy Policy also explains: (i) how we store and use, and how you may access and correct your personal information; (ii) how you can lodge a complaint regarding the handling of your personal information; and (iii) how we will handle any complaint. If you would like any further information about our privacy policies or practices, please contact us at privacy@laserclinicsnewzealand.co.nz.

(e) You must ensure any information you provide us is accurate and current.

2.3 Account Security

When you register and activate your Account, you can choose your username and password. You are responsible for keeping this username and password secure and are responsible for all use and activity carried out under your Account.

2.4 Cancellation and suspension

(a) You may cancel or suspend your Account at any time by emailing cancelmyaccount@laserclinics.com.au. Where you cancel or suspend your Account, you will no longer be entitled to access

(b) We may restrict, suspend, or terminate your Account or your access to the Portal, including any material (including all text, graphics, logos, audio, and software) made available to you through the Portal (Content), or any feature of the Portal at any time, provided that we will seek to provide you with reasonable notice of such restriction, suspension or termination where practicable and having regard to the nature and circumstances of any potential breach of these Terms.

(c) Without limiting paragraph (b), we may immediately suspend or cancel your Account or access to the Portal if:

(i) you are, or we reasonably suspect that you are, in breach of:

(a) these Terms; or

(b) any applicable law;

(ii) we reasonably believe that we or any Laser Clinics Group Entity are, or are likely to be, in breach of law or brought into disrepute, as a result of the provision of, or your use the Portal; or

(iii) we are required to do so in order to comply with an order, instruction or request of a regulatory authority.

(d)  To the extent that you object to the suspension or cancellation of your Account or access to the Portal under 2(c)(i) or (ii) above, you must lodge a written objection to cancelmyaccount@laserclinics.com.au within 30 days which we must then consider and respond to in writing within 30 days.

  1. Accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of information

We use all reasonable attempts to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information we provide to you, however the information on the Portal and as otherwise provided to you is not comprehensive, and material we provide is intended to provide a summary of the subject matter covered.

We recognise that you have rights under the New Zealand Consumer Law which forms part of the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 and the Fair Trading Act 1986 (New Zealand Consumer Law) but,  to the maximum extent permitted by that law, , we make no warranties or representations about the Portal or the Content, including warranties or representations that they will be complete, accurate or up to date, that access will be uninterrupted or error-free or free from viruses, or that the Portal will be secure.

To the extent permitted by applicable law, including the New Zealand Consumer Law, save for instances of our fraud, negligence and wilful misconduct, we are not liable to you or anyone else if errors occur in the information made available to you, or if that information is not up to date. We may, from time to time and without notice, change or add to the information, products or services we provided.  However, despite best efforts, we cannot guarantee that information made available to you is always updated with the very latest information.

To the extent that we change our service offering, however, and you have pre-booked for that service, you will be able to cancel that booking and will be offered a full refund (for any pre-purchased services). 

  1. Linked sites and resources

The Portal may contain links to websites and resources operated by third parties. Those links are provided for convenience and may not remain current or be maintained. Unless expressly stated otherwise, we do not endorse and are not responsible for the content on those linked websites and have no control over or rights in those linked websites.

  1. Bookings and purchases

5.1 Bookings (general)

(a) When you make a booking, you will be asked to provide certain information to assist us in finding an appropriate service for you. You must provide accurate and current information to us to ensure we can find the most appropriate booking for you.

(b) While we will use our best efforts to ensure that we can deliver the relevant service at your booked time, subject to applicable law, we make no guarantee that we will be able to deliver the relevant service at the booked time.

(c)  If we cannot deliver your booked service at your booked time, we will use best efforts to find an alternative suitable time and, to the extent that we cannot find a suitable for both you and your Chosen Clinic, we will offer you a full refund.

(d) When you make a booking, you agree to pay in full the cost of those goods and/or services to your Chosen Clinic, including any taxes and charges that may apply.

(e) All bookings placed are subject to confirmation and acceptance by your Chosen Clinic and may be subject to change upon reasonable notice to you.

5.2 Website bookings

(a) You may book appointments through the Portal. You acknowledge that you will need to select your Chosen Clinic.

(b) After making a website booking, you will receive a communication from your Chosen Clinic confirming your booking.

5.3 Telephone bookings

(a) You may make bookings via telephone. We will advise you that your call is being recorded and by proceeding with the phone call, you consent to the audio recording and for its release to be used for the purposes of your Chosen Clinic providing goods and/or services to you and any conversations in relation to your arrangements with your Chosen Clinic.

(b) After making a telephone booking, you will receive a communication from your Chosen Clinic confirming your booking.

5.4 Purchases (general)

(a) When you make a purchase of goods and/or services you will be prompted to pay the relevant cost of those goods and/or services including any taxes and charges that may apply via the Website or telephone (as applicable).

(b) Except where prohibited by law, we may limit the number or type of goods and/or services available for purchase by you.

5.5 Refunds and cancellations

Subject to applicable law, including New Zealand Consumer Law, you agree and acknowledge that if you wish to change your booking or make a cancellation, your rights and obligations are set out in the Laser Clinics Cancellation and Refunds Policy.

  1. Medical disclaimers

6.1 No professional medical or healthcare advice

(a) You agree that the Content is of a general nature and does not constitute professional medical or healthcare advice, diagnosis, or recommendation of treatment and are not intended to, nor should they be used to, replace professional medical advice. In no circumstances should any Content be relied upon without independent consideration and confirmation by a qualified medical practitioner.

(b) Subject to New Zealand Consumer Law, we make no representations or warranties with respect to any treatment, action, suitability or application of medication or preparation by any person whether based on the Content or not. In no circumstances will we be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary or other damages arising from the same, save for instances of our fraud, negligence and wilful misconduct.

(c) Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a treatment regimen.

6.2 Adverse reaction policy

(a) We take pride in all of our doctors, nurses, and therapists, who are trained to the required standard. In the unlikely event that you experience a side effect, we will require reasonable time and information to investigate your concern.

(b) You must provide your full co-operation during this time, which may include (where reasonable) telehealth consultations for assessment and or review of your circumstances by relevant manager of your Chosen Clinic, and/or our doctors, nurses and therapists.

6.3 Suitability of goods

(a) Goods must only be used for their intended purpose and in accordance with the relevant instructions, precautions, and guidelines. You are responsible for ensuring that the goods are suitable for you and seeking appropriate professional medical advice.

(b) Without limiting paragraph 6.3(a):

(i) you should always check the ingredients for goods to avoid potential allergic reactions; and

(ii) you acknowledge that not all goods are suitable for all skin tones. If using prescription medications (oral or topical), pregnant, breastfeeding, or suffering from a specific health condition, you should seek advice from an appropriate medical practitioner or therapist before adopting any new goods or regime.

(c) Subject to the New Zealand Consumer Law, we give no warranty and make no representation, express or implied, as to the suitability, adequacy, or appropriateness of the goods for you or fitness of the goods for a particular purpose.

(d) If any minor uses any product purchased through the website, it should be only after the parent or legal guardian has discussed the product with the minor's doctor. 

  1. Intellectual property rights

(a) Unless otherwise indicated, we own or license from third parties all rights, titles, and interests (including copyright, designs, patents, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights) in the Portal and in all Content.

(b) Your use of and access to the Portal and any Content does not grant or transfer any rights, title, or interest to you in relation to the Portal or the Content. However, we do grant you a licence to access the Portal and view the Content on the provisions of these Terms and as otherwise expressly authorised by us and/or our third-party licensors.

(c) You may, from time to time, provide us with ideas, know-how, methodologies, comments, or suggestions relating to the Portal and our services and products (Feedback). If you do:

(i) all intellectual property rights in the Feedback, and anything created as a result of that Feedback (including new material, enhancements, modifications, or derivative works) vest in, and are owned solely by, us; and

(ii) we may use or disclose the Feedback for any purpose.

  1. Liability

(a) To the maximum extent permitted by the New Zealand Consumer Law, we make no representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding any matter including, fitness for a particular purpose or use in relation to any goods or services supplied by a Chosen Clinic.

(b) These Terms will not be read or applied so as to purport to exclude, restrict or modify or have the effect of excluding, restricting or modifying the application in relation to the supply of any goods or services pursuant to these terms of all or any of the provisions of the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 and the Fair Trading Act 1986 , including the New Zealand Consumer Law, or the provisions of any other statute, act or law in New Zealand , which by law cannot be excluded, restricted or modified.

(c) Subject to local consumer protection laws including the New Zealand Consumer Law, and any rights you may have under these laws, you hereby acknowledge and agree that your Chosen Clinic and each Laser Clinics Group Entity their affiliates, officers, directors, employees and agents shall not be liable with respect to, and you hereby waive, release, and agree not to take action against any of them upon, any claim for any loss or harm suffered or incurred by you in connection with, arising out of, or in any way related to, the provision of our services, including an allergic reaction, save for instances of our fraud, negligence or wilful misconduct.

Returns [Refunds / Exchanges]

When you purchase a good or service from us, you are entitled to certain guarantees under the New Zealand Consumer Law. These Terms cannot exclude, restrict or modify these guarantees, and such guarantees will prevail to the extent of a conflict between these Terms and the guarantees provided under the New Zealand Consumer Law.

(d) Subject to law, you hereby acknowledge and agree that your Chosen Clinic and each Laser Clinics Group Entity and their affiliates, officers, directors, employees, and agents shall not be liable with respect to, and you hereby waive, release, and agree not to take action against any of them upon, any claim for any loss or harm suffered or incurred by you in connection with, arising out of, or in any way related to, an allergic reaction you suffer as a result of our services unless that allergic reaction is caused by our gross negligence or wilful negligence.

  1. Jurisdiction and governing law

These Terms are governed by the laws of New Zealand.  By agreeing to these Terms, you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts exercising jurisdiction in New Zealand.

  1. Updates

We may (in our sole discretion) modify, update or replace any or all of these Terms from time to time by providing reasonable prior written notice of the update to the Terms, including details of the relevant changes.

This notice may be provided via email, SMS or a message on the Portal. Where the change materially and detrimentally affects your rights and obligations under these Terms, you will be entitled to terminate these Terms by emailing cancelmyaccount@laserclinics.com.au. Continued use of the Portal, our goods and/or services following the reasonable notice period and implementation of the update shall be deemed acceptance of the new updated Terms.

Current Promotional Terms & Conditions


AfterPay Day Sale:

50% Off Skin Needling​

  • The promotion can be redeemed as follows: ​
  • Discounted prices reflect the price of one (1) single treatment. ​
  • This promotion is available on singular treatments of Skin Needling. This promotion only applies to Skin Needling as a treatment area and excludes all other treatment areas and does not apply to Skin Needling which is included in packages for example, the Skin Needling Face, Neck and Decolletage package and any other Skin Journeys and Skin Packages. ​
  • The promotion can be redeemed both online and in-clinic.​
  • Promotion reflects the maximum price for that promotional period. ​
  • Not to be used with any other promotion or discounts offered by third parties. ​
  • Bookings must be made prior to treatment and bookings are subject to availability. ​
  • There is no limit on the number of treatments that can be purchased, however, payment must be made in full during the promotional period. our a booking and purchase, as well as our Cancellations and Refunds policy continue to apply. ​
  • The terms of use and redemption as detailed in our pre-pay policy apply and are available on our website, including the expiry timeframes​
  • Limited time only, the offer can be withdrawn or extended at any time.​
  • This offer is available 20th March 12:01am – 23rd March 11:59pm​


50% Off Female Brazilian Laser Hair Removal​

  • The promotion can be redeemed as follows: ​
  • Discounted prices reflect the price of one (1) single treatment. ​
  • This promotion is available on single treatments of Female Brazilian Laser hair Removal. Excludes all other treatment areas and Female Brazilian treatments sold as packages e.g. Full Legs, Brazilian and Underarm packages.​
  • The promotion can be redeemed both online and in-clinic.​
  • Promotion reflects the maximum price for that promotional period. ​
  • Not to be used with any other promotion or discounts offered by third parties. ​
  • Bookings must be made prior to treatment, and bookings are subject to availability. Our standard booking and purchase terms apply. See our website for further detail. ​
  • There is no limit on the number of treatments that can be purchased, however, payment must be made in full during the promotion period and the terms of our Cancellations and Refunds policy continue to apply. ​
  • The terms of use and redemption as detailed in our pre-pay policy apply and are available on our website, including expiry timeframes.​
  • Limited time only, the offer can be withdrawn or extended at any time.​
  • This offer is available 20th March 12:01am – 23rd March 11:59pm

50% Off Back & Shoulders Laser Hair Removal​

  • The promotion can be redeemed as follows: ​
  • Discounted prices reflect the price of one (1) single treatment. ​
  • This promotion is available on single treatments of Back and Shoulders Laser hair Removal. Excludes all other treatment areas and Back and Shoulder treatments sold as packages e.g. Full body or chest, shoulders, stomach and 1/2 back package.​
  • The promotion can be redeemed both online and in-clinic.​
  • Promotion reflects the maximum price for that promotional period. ​
  • Not to be used with any other promotion or discounts offered by third parties. ​
  • Bookings must be made prior to treatment, and bookings are subject to availability. Our standard booking and purchase terms apply. See our website for further detail. ​
  • There is no limit on the number of treatments that can be purchased, however, payment must be made in full during the promotion period and the terms of our Cancellations and Refunds policy continue to apply. ​
  • The terms of use and redemption as detailed in our pre-pay policy apply and are available on our website, including expiry timeframes.​
  • Limited time only, the offer can be withdrawn or extended at any time.​
  • This offer is available 20th March 12:01am – 23rd March 11:59pm​


50% Off Advanced Skin

  • This promotion is 50% off advanced skin treatments. This promotion applies to the following treatments:
  • Revive & Repair
  • Advanced HydroJelly Facials
  • Max RF
  • Skin Laser Treatments (pigment, tightening, flushing, vascular)
  • This offer may be redeemed online or in-clinic.
  • The promotion does not apply to other skin treatments, Skinstitut products, skin packages, skin journeys, Skin treatments sold as bundles including Face/Neck/Decolletage or Skin add-ons.
  • This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, including discounts offered by third parties. 
  • Bookings for all treatments must be made prior to treatment and bookings are subject to availability and the Laser Clinics booking terms and conditions. 
  • The discount is calculated using the standard single treatment price, and not areas already reduced as part of this campaign or another promotion. 
  • There is no limit on the number of treatments that can be purchased, however, payment must be made in full. 
  • Treatments purchased using this promotion are subject to the terms and conditions located at  Laser Clinics New Zealand | Trusted Laser, Skin Care & Cosmetic Clinic  
  • Treatments purchased using this promotion are subject to the Cancellations and Refunds policy including the expiry timeframes: 
  • If you purchase 1-9 treatments there is a 12-month timeframe to use before the treatments expire and 
  • If you purchase 10 or more treatments, there is an 18-month timeframe to use before the treatments expire.
  • Please see terms and conditions of sale and booking and cancellations and refund policy for other details about services at Laser Clinics. 
  • The promotional offer is available for purchase between 11 March 2025 and 31 March 2025. The offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time.

50% Off Selected Laser Hair Removal

  • The terms and conditions of this promotion are: 
  • This Promotion offer applies to treatments purchased in one transaction during the promotion period and in accordance with these terms and conditions.
  • The Promotion is 50% Off selected Laser Hair treatments. 
  • The promotion applies to: 
  • Brazilian & Underarms (F)
  • Full Face
  • Lip & Chin
  • Full Arms 
  • Full Legs
  • Chest & Stomach
  • 1/2 Legs, Brazilian & Underarms (F)
  • Full Back
  • Neck (front or back)
  • Hollywood Brazilian, Full Legs & Underarms (F)
  • This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion, including but not limited to the first treatment offer, and discounts offered by third parties. 
  • Bookings for all treatments must be made prior to treatment and bookings are subject to availability and the Laser Clinics booking terms and conditions. 
  • The discount is calculated using the standard single treatment price, and not areas already reduced as part of this campaign or another promotion. 
  • There is no limit on the number of treatments that can be purchased, however, payment must be made in full. 
  • With the laser hair removal treatments that include more than one area, for example the Brazilian & Underarms Package, areas purchased in the package cannot be split over separate appointments. 
  • There is no limit on the number of treatments that can be purchased, however, payment must be made in full. 
  • Treatments purchased using this promotion are subject to the terms and conditions located at Laser Clinics New Zealand | Trusted Laser, Skin Care & Cosmetic Clinic
  • Treatments purchased using this promotion are subject to the Cancellations and Refunds policy including the expiry timeframes: 
  • If you purchase 1-9 treatments there is a 12-month timeframe to use before the treatments expire and 
  • If you purchase 10 or more treatments, there is an 18-month timeframe to use before the treatments expire.
  • Please see terms and conditions of sale and booking and cancellations and refund policy for other details about services at Laser Clinics. 
  • The promotional offer is available for purchase between 11 March 2025 and 31 March 2025. The offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time.

Tiered Pricing

Skin Saver Tiered Pricing

10% off when you purchase 3-5 of the same Skin treatment
20% off when you purchase 6-9 of the same Skin treatment 
30% off when you purchase 10+ of the same Skin treatment 

  • The offer is not valid on selected BBL (BBL Full Body, BBL Face/Neck/Decolletage, BBL Shoulders/Back/Arms, BBL Hero Forever Clear Acne Forehead, BBL Hero Forever Clear Acne Lower Face, BBL Hero Forever Clear Acne Mid Face, BBL Hero Hands), Hydrojelly Mask Duos, Skinstitut® products, skin packages, skin journeys, or add ons
  • Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion, including but not limited to the 50% off first treatment offer, or any discounts offered by third parties.
  • There is no limit on the number of treatments that can be pre-purchased however the Pre-pay policy on use and redemption applies. This policy can be viewed on our website.
  • The treatments must be redeemed at the clinic location where originally purchased.

Laser Hair Removal Tiered Pricing  

20% off when you purchase 3-5 of the same LHR treatment 
30% off when you purchase 6-9 of the same LHR treatment 
40% off when you purchase 10+ of the same LHR treatment 

The terms and conditions of this promotion are:​ 

This promotional offer applies to treatments purchased in one transaction in accordance with these terms and conditions. 

The Promotion is: 

  • Receive 20% off the purchase price of selected Laser Hair Removal treatment areas when 3 to 5 of the same treatments are purchased. 
  • Receive 30% off the purchase price of selected Laser Hair Removal treatment areas when 6 to 9 of the same treatments are purchased.  
  • Receive 40% off the purchase price of selected Laser Hair Removal treatment areas when 10 or more of the same treatments are purchased. 
  • The promotion does not apply to Laser Hair Removal “add on” areas - (Lip, chin, snail trail, behind, areola add ons), full body or underarms.
  • This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion, including but not limited to the 50% off first treatment offer, and discounts offered by third parties.​ 
  • Bookings for all treatments must be made prior to treatment and bookings are subject to availability and the Laser Clinics booking terms and conditions.​ 
  • The discount is calculated using the standard single treatment price, and not areas already reduced as part of this campaign or another promotion. 
  • There is no limit on the number of treatments that can be purchased, however, payment must be made in full, in one transaction and the terms of our Cancellations and Refunds policy continue to apply.​ 
  • With the laser hair removal treatments that include more than one area, for example the Brazilian & Underarms Package, areas purchased in the package cannot be split over separate appointments.​ 
  • Please see terms and conditions of sale and booking and cancellations and refund policy for other details about services at Laser Clinics.​ 
  • The offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time. 
  • There is no limit on the number of treatments that can be pre-purchased however the Pre-pay policy on use and redemption applies. This policy can be viewed on our website.
  • The treatments must be redeemed at the clinic location where originally purchased.

Skin Promotions 

Skin Packages

  • Bookings must be made for each package purchased.
  • There is no limit on the number of treatments that can be purchased, however, payment must be made in full and the terms of our Cancellations and Refunds policy continue to apply.
  • Not to be used in conjunction with any other promotion, including but not limited to the 50% off first treatment offer, and discounts offered by third parties.
  • Treatments within the package cannot be split over separate appointments.
  • Treatments and Product included in the skin package cannot be exchanged for other treatments or products. 
  • Client’s must inform LCNZ of their skin concerns prior to commencing all treatments/ products and a consent form must be signed.
  • The terms of use and redemption as detailed in our pre-pay policy apply and are available on our website.

Skin Journeys

  • The savings specified for each package are calculated on the normal per treatment price and not pre-paid prices.
  • Clients may purchase as many skin journeys as they like, however, payment must be made upfront in full and the terms of our  refund policy apply.
  • The full amount of the package is payable prior to commencement of any treatments.
  • Bookings must be made for each treatment within the journey.
  • Appointments cancelled, missed or changed without 24 hours’ notice will be deemed to have been taken and deducted from the client’s journey.
  • Treatments included in each skin journey cannot be exchanged for other treatments. However the Skinstitut® products recommended in each skin journey can be exchanged for another Skinstitut® product of the same full price value.
  • An LCNZ Therapist will advise clients on the recommended time frames for each treatment within the skin journey purchased, however, it is the client’s responsibility to ensure they book in their treatments in advance so that there are available appointments.
  • All treatments within the skin journey must be redeemed at the clinic the skin journey was originally purchased.
  • All skin journeys have a 12 month expiry on redemption of treatments.
  • Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion. 
  • We offer a guarantee that there will be an improvement to client’s skin under the following guide lines:
  • As part of the Glowing Skin journey, the Enzymatic Micro Peel will be performed straight after the Express Microdermabrasion treatment (both treatments will be done during the same appointment time).
  • If we believe that additional treatments will reach the desired result, we will advise the client prior to the purchase of the skin journeys.
  • Client’s use the Skinstitut® products included in the skin journey purchased during their treatment programme.
  • Client’s must inform LCNZ of their skin concerns prior to commencing all treatments/Skinstitut® products and a consent form must be signed.
  • Client’s need to follow all at home protocols recommended by the LCNZ Therapist. This may include Skinstitut® skincare and dietary guidelines.

Online Welcome Offer

Receive 50% off the full price of your first online purchase of Laser Hair Removal or Skin Treatment.

The promotion can be redeemed as follows:

  1. New customers must enter their first name and email address onto the ‘Welcome’ sign up website pop up
  2. Email containing the promo code for 50% off full price will be sent to the account address
  3. To redeem this offer, customer must be signed into their online account, or create an online account to activate promo code in order to redeem.
  4. Code is to be applied in cart at time of checkout. One (1) promo code per transaction per customer account.


  • The promotion does not apply to Laser Hair Removal underarms, “add on” or full body areas or areas sold as everyday low price - (Lip, chin, snail trail, behind, areola add ons).
  • Excludes selected Skinstitut products, skin packages, skin journeys, Skin treatments sold as bundles including Face/Neck/Decolletage, and skin add-ons. 
  • Not valid on Melanopro, CoolSculpting®, Cosmetic Aesthetics, or skin care products (Skinstitut® or Skinstitut® Expert)
  • Not to be used in conjunction with any other promotion, including but not limited to the 50% off first treatment offer, skin saver, and discounts offered by third parties.
  • Offer valid online only.

Limited time only, offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time.

Student Discounts

Unidays Student Offer

This offer applies to full-time students with a valid student ID card.

This promotional offer applies to treatments purchased as a single treatment in one transaction in accordance with these terms and conditions.

The Promotion is:

    • Save 30% off the RRP of laser hair removal or skin treatment purchases
    • Save an extra 5% off the sale price of laser hair removal or skin treatment purchases
  • This offer is available to redeem online or in-clinic.
  • The promotion applies to: Laser Hair Removal and skin treatments excluding the treatments below -
  • Laser Hair Removal “add on” or full body areas or areas sold as everyday low price - (Lip, chin, snail trail, behind, areola add ons)
  • The promotion does not apply to selected BBL (BBL Full Body, BBL Face/Neck/Decolletage, BBL Shoulders/Back/Arms, BBL Hero Forever Clear Acne Forehead, BBL Hero Forever Clear Acne Lower Face, BBL Hero Forever Clear Acne Mid Face, BBL Hero Hands), HydroJelly Mask Duos, Skinstitut® products, skin packages, skin journeys, Skin treatments sold as bundles including Face/Neck/Decolletage, Skin add-ons.
  • Relevant student ID card must be presented at the time of the appointment to a Laser Clinics team member.
  • Bookings for all treatments must be made prior to treatment and bookings are subject to availability and the Laser Clinics booking terms and conditions.
  • The discount is calculated using the standard single treatment price, and not areas already reduced as part of this campaign or another promotion.
  • With the laser hair removal treatments that include more than one area, for example the Brazilian & Underarms Package, areas purchased in the package cannot be split over separate appointments.
  • Please see terms and conditions of sale and booking and cancellations and refund policy for other details about services at Laser Clinics.
  • This offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time.

Student Card Offer

This offer applies to full-time students with a valid Student Card student ID card.

This promotional offer applies to treatments purchased as a single treatment in one transaction in accordance with these terms and conditions.

The Promotion is:

    • Save 30% off the RRP of laser hair removal or skin treatment purchases
    • Save an extra 5% off the sale price of laser hair removal or skin treatment purchases
  • This offer is available to redeem in-clinic only.
  • The promotion applies to: Laser Hair Removal and skin treatments excluding the treatments below -
  • Laser Hair Removal “add on” or full body areas or areas sold as everyday low price - (Lip, chin, snail trail, behind, areola add ons)
  • The promotion does not apply to selected BBL (BBL Full Body, BBL Face/Neck/Decolletage, BBL Shoulders/Back/Arms, BBL Hero Forever Clear Acne Forehead, BBL Hero Forever Clear Acne Lower Face, BBL Hero Forever Clear Acne Mid Face, BBL Hero Hands), HydroJelly Mask Duos, Skinstitut products, skin packages, skin journeys, Skin treatments sold as bundles including Face/Neck/Decolletage, Skin add-ons.
  • Relevant student ID card must be presented at the time of the appointment to a Laser Clinics team member.
  • Bookings for all treatments must be made prior to treatment and bookings are subject to availability and the Laser Clinics booking terms and conditions.
  • The discount is calculated using the standard single treatment price, and not areas already reduced as part of this campaign or another promotion.
  • With the laser hair removal treatments that include more than one area, for example the Brazilian & Underarms Package, areas purchased in the package cannot be split over separate appointments.
  • Please see terms and conditions of sale and booking and cancellations and refund policy for other details about services at Laser Clinics.
  • This offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time.

In Clinic Specific Promotions

New Clients

Save 30% on your first Laser Hair Removal treatment
Save 20% on your first Skin treatment

The promotion can be redeemed as follows:

  • This offer applies to individuals new to Laser Clinics Group only.
  • This promotional offer applies to treatments purchased as a single treatment in one transaction in accordance with these terms and conditions.

The Promotion is:

  • Save 30% on your first Laser Hair Removal treatment
  • Save 20% on your first Skin treatment 
  • This offer is only available to redeem in-clinic.

The promotion applies to: Laser Hair Removal and skin treatments excluding the treatments below –

  • The promotion does not apply to Laser Hair Removal “add on” or full body areas or areas sold as everyday low price - (Lip, chin, snail trail, behind, areola add ons) · The promotion does not apply to selected BBL (BBL Full Body, BBL Face/Neck/Decolletage, BBL Shoulders/Back/Arms, BBL Hero Forever Clear Acne Forehead, BBL Hero Forever Clear Acne Lower Face, BBL Hero Forever Clear Acne Mid Face, BBL Hero Hands), HydroJelly Mask Duos, Skinstitut products, skin packages, skin journeys, Skin treatments sold as bundles including Face/Neck/Decolletage, Skin add-ons.
  • This promotion cannot be used with any other promotion, including discounts offered by third parties.
  • Bookings for all treatments must be made prior to treatment and bookings are subject to availability and the Laser Clinics booking terms and conditions.
  • The discount is calculated using the standard single treatment price, and not areas already reduced as part of this campaign or another promotion.
  • With the laser hair removal treatments that include more than one area, for example the Brazilian & Underarms Package, areas purchased in the package cannot be split over separate appointments.
  • Please see terms and conditions of sale and booking and cancellations and refund policy for other details about services at Laser Clinics.
  • This offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time.

Local Neighbour Offer

Save 30% on your first Laser Hair Removal treatment
Save 20% on your first Skin treatment

  • This offer applies to people in the local area or friends of the brand who have been given the ‘Hello Neighbour’ voucher card.
  • This promotional offer applies to treatments purchased as a single treatment in one transaction in accordance with these terms and conditions.

The Promotion is:

  • Save 30% on your first Laser Hair Removal treatment
    Save 20% on your first Skin treatment
  • This offer is only available to redeem in-clinic.
  • The promotion applies to: Laser Hair Removal and skin treatments excluding the treatments below -
  • The promotion does not apply to Laser Hair Removal “add on” or full body areas or areas sold as everyday low price - (Lip, chin, snail trail, behind, areola add ons)
  • The promotion does not apply to selected BBL (BBL Full Body, BBL Face/Neck/Decolletage, BBL Shoulders/Back/Arms, BBL Hero Forever Clear Acne Forehead, BBL Hero Forever Clear Acne Lower Face, BBL Hero Forever Clear Acne Mid Face, BBL Hero Hands), HydroJelly Mask Duos, Skinstitut products, skin packages, skin journeys, Skin treatments sold as bundles including Face/Neck/Decolletage, Skin add-ons.
  • This promotion cannot be used with any other promotion, including discounts offered by third parties.
  • Clients must show their physical voucher to redeem this promotion.
  • Bookings for all treatments must be made prior to treatment and bookings are subject to availability and the Laser Clinics booking terms and conditions.
  • The discount is calculated using the standard single treatment price, and not areas already reduced as part of this campaign or another promotion.
  • With the laser hair removal treatments that include more than one area, for example the Brazilian & Underarms Package, areas purchased in the package cannot be split over separate appointments.
  • Please see terms and conditions of sale and booking and cancellations and refund policy for other details about services at Laser Clinics.
  • This offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time.

Affiliate Offer

Save 20% off the RRP of laser hair removal or skin treatment purchases
Save an extra 5% off the sale price of laser hair removal or skin treatment purchases

  • This offer is available to affiliates of Laser Clinics Group.
  • This promotional offer applies to treatments purchased as a single treatment in one transaction in accordance with these terms and conditions.

The Promotion is:

  • Save 20% off the RRP of laser hair removal or skin treatment purchases
    Save an extra 5% off the sale price of laser hair removal or skin treatment purchases
  • This offer is only available to redeem in-clinic.
  • The promotion applies to: Laser Hair Removal and skin treatments excluding the treatments below -
  • The promotion does not apply to Laser Hair Removal “add on” or full body areas or areas sold as everyday low price - (Lip, chin, snail trail, behind, areola add ons)
  • The promotion does not apply to selected BBL (BBL Full Body, BBL Face/Neck/Decolletage, BBL Shoulders/Back/Arms, BBL Hero Forever Clear Acne Forehead, BBL Hero Forever Clear Acne Lower Face, BBL Hero Forever Clear Acne Mid Face, BBL Hero Hands), HydroJelly Mask Duos, Skinstitut products, skin packages, skin journeys, Skin treatments sold as bundles including Face/Neck/Decolletage, Skin add-ons.
  • Bookings for all treatments must be made prior to treatment and bookings are subject to availability and the Laser Clinics booking terms and conditions.
  • The discount is calculated using the standard single treatment price, and not areas already reduced as part of this campaign or another promotion.
  • With the laser hair removal treatments that include more than one area, for example the Brazilian & Underarms Package, areas purchased in the package cannot be split over separate appointments.
  • Please see terms and conditions of sale and booking and cancellations and refund policy for other details about services at Laser Clinics.
  • This offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time.

Skin Event Offer

Save 30% off selected skin treatments

  • This offer applies to attendees of selected Laser Clinics Events.

The Promotion is:

  • Save 30% off selected skin treatments
  • This offer is only available to redeem in-clinic.
  • The promotion does not apply to selected BBL (BBL Full Body, BBL Face/Neck/Decolletage, BBL Shoulders/Back/Arms, BBL Hero Forever Clear Acne Forehead, BBL Hero Forever Clear Acne Lower Face, BBL Hero Forever Clear Acne Mid Face, BBL Hero Hands), HydroJelly Mask Duos, Skinstitut products, skin packages, skin journeys, Skin treatments sold as bundles including Face/Neck/Decolletage, Skin add-ons.
  • This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion or offer.
  • Bookings for all treatments must be made prior to treatment and bookings are subject to availability and the Laser Clinics booking terms and conditions.
  • The discount is calculated using the standard single treatment price, and not areas already reduced as part of this campaign or another promotion.
  • Please see terms and conditions of sale and booking and cancellations and refund policy for other details about services at Laser Clinics.
  • This offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time.

Clinic Specific Events

This offer applies to attendees of selected Laser Clinics Events.  

The Promotion is: 

  • Save 30% off selected skin treatments 
  • This offer is only available to redeem in-clinic. 
  • The promotion does not apply to selected BBL (BBL Full Body, BBL Face/Neck/Decolletage, BBL Shoulders/Back/Arms, BBL Hero Forever Clear Acne Forehead, BBL Hero Forever Clear Acne Lower Face, BBL Hero Forever Clear Acne Mid Face, BBL Hero Hands), HydroJelly Mask Duos, Skinstitut products, skin packages, skin journeys, Skin treatments sold as bundles including Face/Neck/Decolletage, Skin add-ons. 
  • This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion or offer. 
  • Bookings for all treatments must be made prior to treatment and bookings are subject to availability and the Laser Clinics booking terms and conditions.  
  • The discount is calculated using the standard single treatment price, and not areas already reduced as part of this campaign or another promotion.  
  • Please see terms and conditions of sale and booking and cancellations and refund policy for other details about services at Laser Clinics.  
  • This offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time. 

Refer a Friend promotion

Refer a new client to us and receive a $25 gift card applied to both your account and theirs when they spend $50 or more in their first transaction, in accordance with these terms and conditions.​

  • This offer may be redeemed in clinic only.​
  • The new client (referee) must spend a minimum of $50 in their first transaction to activate the offer.​
  • The new client (referee) must mention the existing clients (referrer) name to the Laser Clinics team before finalising their first transaction.​
  • The new client (referee) will have a $25 gift card added to their profile after their first invoice is closed.​
  • The existing client (referrer) will have a $25 gift card added to their profile after the referee completes their first paid invoice. ​
  • Both the new and existing client must be clients of the same clinic location where this transaction takes place.​
  • Offer is not valid on skincare products.
  • The $25 gift card can only be used at the Laser Clinics New Zealand location where it was given and follows the terms and conditions as outlined Terms & Conditions | Laser Clinics New Zealand regarding gift cards.​
  • The full gift card amount must be used in one transaction and no change will be given.​
  • There is no limit to the number of times this offer can be redeemed.​
  • Bookings for all treatments must be made prior to treatment and bookings are subject to availability and the Laser Clinics booking terms and conditions. ​
  • Payment must be made in full, in one transaction at the time of purchase. The terms of our Cancellations and Refunds policy continue to apply. ​
  • Purchases are subject to the pre-paid terms and conditions (if applicable) located at Terms & Conditions | Laser Clinics New Zealand. Please see terms and conditions of sale and booking and cancellations and refund policy for other details about services at Laser Clinics.

Affiliate Offers

40% off RRP full price Laser Hair Removal

Receive 40% off the single full price of any Laser Hair Removal treatment purchased online.

To redeem this offer, customer must be signed into their online account, or create an online account to activate promo code in order to redeem.

Code is to be applied to the cart at time of checkout. One promo code per transaction. 

The 40% off discount is not valid on underarms, eyebrows, full body laser hair removal or add-ons.

The 40% discount is calculated using the standard single treatment price, and not pre-paid package prices or areas already reduced as part of this campaign or another promotion.​ 

Not to be used in conjunction with any other promotion, including but not limited to the Welcome offer and discounts offered by third parties. 

Offer valid online only. 

Offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time. All sales are subject to our standard terms and conditions, including cancellation and refund policy. 

40% off RRP full price Skin treatments

Receive 40% off the single full price of any Skin treatment purchased online.  

To redeem this offer, customer must be signed into their online account, or create an online account to activate promo code in order to redeem.

Code is to be applied to the cart at time of checkout. One promo code per transaction. 

The 40% off discount is not valid on add-ons, or BBL Hero​.

The 40% discount is calculated using the standard single treatment price, and not pre-paid package prices or areas already reduced as part of this campaign or another promotion.​ 

Not to be used in conjunction with any other promotion, including but not limited to the Welcome offer and discounts offered by third parties. 

Offer valid online only. 

Offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time. All sales are subject to our standard terms and conditions, including cancellation and refund policy. 

Additional 5% off discounted prices of any Laser Hair Removal or Skin treatment 

Receive an additional 5% off already discounted Laser Hair Removal or Skin treatments purchased online.  

To redeem offer, code is to be applied to the cart at time of checkout. One promo code per transaction. 

The 5% off discount is not valid on underarms, eyebrows, or full body laser hair removal, add-ons, cosmetic injectables or skincare products. ​ 

Offer valid online only. 

Offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time. All sales are subject to our standard terms and conditions, including cancellation and refund policy. 

30% off RRP full price BBL Hero Skin treatments

Receive 30% off the single full price of any BBL Hero Skin treatment purchased online. 

To redeem this offer, customer must be signed into their online account, or create an online account to activate promo code in order to redeem.

Code is to be applied to the cart at time of checkout. One promo code per transaction. 

The 30% off discount is not valid on BBL Hero add-ons.​ 

The 30% discount is calculated using the standard single treatment price, and not pre-paid package prices or areas already reduced as part of this campaign or another promotion.​ 

Not to be used in conjunction with any other promotion, including but not limited to the Welcome offer and discounts offered by third parties. 

Offer valid online only. 

Offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time. All sales are subject to our standard terms and conditions, including cancellation and refund policy. 

Friends & Family: Receive 60% off Laser Hair Removal and Core Skin Treatments

The 60% off discount code:

(a) subject to these terms and conditions, may be applied to all Laser Hair Removal and Core Skin Treatments;

(b) is not valid for Laser Hair Removal “add on” areas, eyebrows or underarms; Advanced Skin, CoolSculpting and Cosmetic Injectables treatments.

(c) cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion, including but not limited to the 10% off first treatment offer to new clients, and third-party discounts offered by third parties.

(d) can only be used online at the time of purchase at the following Laser Clinics New Zealand corporate clinics: North Island - Albany, Bayfair, Botany, Featherston, New Plymouth, Newmarket, Palmerston North, Queensgate, The Base, Willis St; South Island - Northlands Papanui, Riccarton.

Bookings and payment must be made online prior to the treatment. To redeem offer, the user must hold a Laser Clinics Australia client account and be logged into this account at the time of purchase. Bookings are subject to availability.

There is no limit on the number of pre-pay packages or combination treatment packages or single treatments that can be purchased using the discount code.

With the laser hair removal treatments that are sold as a combination treatment area package, for example the Brazilian & Underarms Package, areas purchased in the package cannot be split over separate appointments.

The terms of use and redemption as detailed in our pre-pay package policy apply and are available on our website.

Offer expires on 31 December 2024. Offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time.

All sales are subject to our standard Terms and Conditions, including cancellation and refund policy. You can find these here: https://www.laserclinicsnewzealand.co.nz/terms-and-conditions/

Price Match Policy

At participating Laser Clinics New Zealand clinics we will offer to match a competitor’s price for the same treatment provided it is using the same equipment and/or products and carried out by appropriately qualified staff.

The Price Match Policy only applies to competitors that operate in the same shopping centre or on the same shopping strip as the Laser Clinics New Zealand clinic the client is seeking to price match.

The Price Match Policy applies to all laser hair removal, skin services, and Skinstitut products in store. The Price Match Policy does not apply to prices offered by any competitors’ on Skinstitut products via an online shopping/retail website.

To be eligible for the Cosmetic Injectables Price Match Policy, clients are required to provide proof of the competitor’s current advertised price on the same treatment/product at the time of purchase.

Add On Treatments

Bookings must be made for each add on treatment purchased, at the same time as the booking is made for each treatment being added to.

Clients can only purchase the same quantity of individual add on treatments as the number of primary treatments purchased in the pre-pay series.

Payment must be made in full and at the time of purchase of the treatment being added to and the terms of our refund policy apply.

Only valid on laser hair removal treatments and is not valid on skin treatments, cosmetic injection treatments or Skinstitut products

The single treatment price of the add on treatment must be equal or less in value than the treatment being added to.

Laser Hair Removal Packages

When laser hair removal areas are sold as a package, for example the Female Half Legs, Brazilian & Underarms Package, areas purchased in the package cannot be split over separate appointments.

Full Body Laser Hair Removal Package Terms & Conditions

  • Clients may purchase the full body laser hair removal package at the prices set out in the marketing materials from time to time.
  • The full body laser hair removal package includes all of the laser hair removal areas offered by Laser Clinics NZ, as set out in the marketing materials from time to time. This package does not include laser hair removal areas that are not currently offered by Laser Clinics NZ. For example, scalp, eyebrows and ears.
  • Clients may elect to remove any area from their full body laser hair removal package
  • Clients must advise the staff at the time of booking and upon arrival at each appointment of the area that has been removed from the package. No reduction in price is available where areas have been removed from the package.
  • Bookings must be made for all laser hair removal treatments.
  • Bookings for this package may not be available at all times on all days.
  • Payment must be made in advance.
  • The package cannot be used between two or more clients. Photo ID may be requested.
  • Clients must pay for each treatment at the time of booking. No pre-payments are available, and multiple pre-paid discount prices are not available. 
  • The terms of our refund policy
  • Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion. Our Price Promise does not apply to Full Body Laser Hair Removal Packages. 

Cosmetic Injectables

  • A $50 deposit is required in advance for all cosmetic injection treatment bookings. 
  • Cosmetic injection treatments cannot be pre-paid.  
  • Bookings must be made in advance.
  • Cosmetic injection clients must be deemed medically fit and suitable for treatment, following a consultation with one of our injectors.
  • Only the 15 minute consultations are complimentary, a consultation of 30 minutes or longer will attract a fee in accordance with the cosmetic injections pricing schedule.
  • The price per area treated will depend on the number of units required and the product used.
  • For Lips to Love, the price is based on 1ml of dermal filler from a selection of three base line lip filler products, as recommended for the client by the treating health professional.
  • For legal reasons, the product names cannot be used in advertising. Please contact one of our injectors at our clinics for details.
  • Products purchased in a package can only be used in one appointment.
  • Packages cannot be split over appointments

Before and Afters

LCNZ would like to collect and process:

photographic images; and (b) video recordings; and (c) audio recordings; and (d) written testimonials (“the Material”) from you for the purpose of creating educational and promotional material.

To the extent that this material contains information about your medical diagnosis and treatment, it would be regarded as sensitive data, which by law requires your explicit consent to allow us to process it.

If chosen to participate in this campaign you will be required to sign a legal consent form by which you will confirm that the person named in the release notice has agreed to the publication of the Material by LCNZ both now and in the future.

By signing the release you agree that LCNZ may use the material for promotional and informational purposes.

You grant LCNZ the right to use the material on its websites and in publications for use in its clinics and generally, which may include, but is not limited to media, posters, newsletters and newspapers, catalogues, video collages, etc.

You grant LCNZ the right to disclose the Material to third parties and media.

You understand LCNZ may, and has the right to, crop and/or collage the material with others and understand that the material may be transmitted over the internet.

You agree that by signing the form, you release and forever discharge LCNZ, its agents, officers and employees, from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the material, including but not limited to, any and all claims for invasion of privacy, defamation, or financial compensation and you waive all moral rights that you may have in the material.

LCNZ Gift Cards

These conditions apply to use of the Laser Clinics New Zealand Gift Card (gift card), issued by Laser Clinics New Zealand (LCNZ).

Purchasing or using the gift card means that you accept these conditions.

LCNZ may, in its complete discretion, refuse to sell gifts cards to any person at any time for any reason.

If you let another person use your gift card, you must tell them that they will be bound by these conditions. By entering into this agreement you unconditionally submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the country where the gift card is purchased.

The gift card may only be used to purchase goods or services at the LCNZ clinic from which the gift card was purchased.

Gift cards cannot be redeemed for cash, returned for a refund, have their balances consolidated to a new gift card, or be replaced after expiry and are not legal tender, account cards, credit or debit cards or securities.

Anyone holding the gift card can use its value to make purchases so your gift card should be kept secure. If your gift card is lost or stolen, immediately report this to the LCNZ clinic from which it was purchased. We may be able to stop gift card value being used, but take no responsibility and are not liable for any loss suffered by you as a result of a lost or stolen gift card.

We may replace a faulty, lost or stolen gift card in our absolute discretion. Any replacement gift card will have the same unused value (at the time of replacement) and expiry date. Gift cards will be void if they are defaced, mutilated, altered or tampered with in any way. We may subject gift cards to verification and security checks in our absolute discretion.

We may cancel any gift card, or the gift card scheme, for any reason at any time without notice. If so, we may either provide a refund or a replacement gift card of equivalent value unless we reasonably suspect fraud in relation to a gift card. The gift card remains the property of LCNZ.


Gifts cards are valid for three years from the Date of Issue. After the gift card has expired, it is no longer valid. All transactions will be declined. Unused value will not be refunded and will become the property of LCNZ.

Survey Promo Code

Receive 50% off the full price of your next online purchase of a Laser Hair Removal or Skin Treatment upon survey completion, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions:

  • Recipient is invited via email to complete an online survey, upon survey completion, a discount code will be displayed on the device screen for the user to copy.
  • Discount code is to be applied in cart at time of checkout. One (1) promo code per transaction per customer account.
  • Discount code is valid for a one time use only, expiring on 15th March 2025.
  • To redeem this offer, customer must be signed into their online account, or create an online account to activate promo code in order to redeem. Offer cannot be redeemed in clinic.


  • The promotion does not apply to Laser Hair Removal “add on” or full body areas or areas sold as everyday low price - (Lip, chin, snail trail, behind, areola add ons).
  • The 50% off discount is not valid for any “add on” skin treatments, skin packages, skin journey, Skinstitut, Melanopro, Max RF, Kleresca, Advanced Facials, AquaFacial, Laser Pigment/ Vascular/Skin Tightening, Hydrojelly Mask Duos, BBL Hero & SkinTyte Treatments and Skinstitut products.​

  • Excludes Skinstitut products, skin packages, skin journeys, Skin treatments sold as bundles including Face/Neck/Decolletage, Skin add-ons.
  • Not valid on CoolSculpting®, Cosmetic Aesthetics, or skin care products (Skinstitut or Skinstitut Expert)
  • Not to be used in conjunction with any other promotion, including but not limited to the 50% off first treatment offer, skin saver, and discounts offered by third parties.
  • Offer valid online only. 
  • Limited time only, the offer can be withdrawn or extended at any time. 
  • Valid until 15th March 2025. Limited time only, offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time.