
Winter Skin Treatment Essentials

by Laser Clinics Team on July 04, 2023

Winter Skin Treatment Essentials

As the weather cools down and winter sets in, our skin faces new challenges. Harsh winds, low humidity, and indoor heating can leave our skin dry, dull, and stressed. Understanding how to care for your skin during winter helps you maintain a hydrated and radiant glow.

In this blog, Laser Clinics New Zealand shares recommended skin treatments to help restore and rejuvenate your skin so you don’t have to suffer from winter skin any more.


Rejuvenate Your Skin After Snowy Adventures

If you've been hitting the slopes and your skin requires some serious recovery, Laser Clinics New Zealand recommends the AHA Enzymatic Peel treatment. This gentle yet effective peel is designed to soothe and hydrate the skin, helping restore the skin's natural moisture balance and promoting a smoother, more radiant complexion.


Combat Dryness from Office Heating

Spending long hours in heated offices can zap the moisture from your skin, leaving it dry, tight, and uncomfortable. To restore moisture levels and relieve your dehydrated skin, we recommend our HydraFacial. This advanced facial uses patented technology to cleanse, extract and hydrate your skin. It is packed with powerful antioxidants to counteract damage by free radicals, leaving you with a radiant and supple complexion.


Prepare Your Skin for Sunny Escapes

Planning a sun-filled vacation to escape the winter blues? Before you set off on your adventure, treat your skin to a Microdermabrasion and Yellow LED Light Therapy session. Microdermabrasion gently exfoliates the skin, removing dead cells and revealing a smoother, brighter complexion. Combined with Yellow LED Light Therapy, which stimulates collagen production and enhances skin rejuvenation, this treatment will leave your skin refreshed for a pre-holiday glow-up.


Tailored Winter Skin Treatments

Winter doesn't have to be harsh on your skin. Laser Clinics New Zealand offers a range of treatments to keep your skin hydrated and glowing. Our trusted team of highly-trained Therapists can help identify your specific concerns and create a tailored treatment plan for you. Book a free consultation with us today.