
Hair Removal Tips for Sensitive Skin

by The Laser Clinics Team on July 31, 2018

Hair Removal Tips for Sensitive Skin

For sensitive skin types, shaving and waxing can become a real headache.  πŸ˜« Waxing and shaving can often lead to rashes and redness, not to mention the products use irritating fragrances and chemicals. πŸ™…‍♀️

Thankfully, laser hair removal has paved the way as a gentler, more effective alternative to waxing/shaving, and best of all it takes into consideration sensitive skin types. πŸ™Œ

Laser hair removal can be used in a variety of areas including the facebackarms and legs. It can even be used on pubic hair and other sensitive areas, making laser one of the better hair removal options for those with sensitive skin. β„️

Designed with sensitive skin in mind, these lasers are safe enough to be used on any part of the body and target different skin types whilst ensuring maximum results. Our lasers feature a unique dynamic cooling device that helps to calm, soothe and protect the skin.

But don’t take our word for it. Let’s weigh up the different hair removal methods for sensitive skin types. πŸ” 

1. Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal works by directing concentrated light into the hair follicle inhibiting the hair’s ability to grow without disrupting or damaging the skin’s surface. Our lasers use a wide beam which allows the removal of multiple hair follicles at the same time.

We know there’s not a one size fits all approach to hair removal and when weighing up the laser hair removal vs waxing vs shaving debate, it’s important to note that our experienced Therapists will take your skin and hair type into account before creating a personalised treatment plan.

Top tip: if you are concerned about a potential reaction from the laser, you can request a test patch of the treatment area first. It also gives you an opportunity to determine your comfort level with the laser process. Book your FREE laser hair removal consult to get started.

2. Shaving

Using a razor can cause nasty side effects. From shaving rash to ingrown hairs, if your shaving technique isn’t great then it can cause havoc on your skin. And if it’ not the shaving itself that causing you skin irritation then ask yourself, ‘how long has my razor been sitting in the shower?’ πŸ˜¨ Yep. We’re all guilty of keeping a razor for a little longer than we should have. Remember, that bacteria can build up on the shaving tool and each time you shave, you’re spreading that bacteria all over the skin.  πŸ€’ Another downer? Most shaving foams are filled with perfumes and chemicals that can easily irritate the skin.

3. Waxing

Sensitive skin types will recoil at the idea of waxing. Pouring hot wax on the skin? Ripping off the wax strip only to sit there in pain while your skin turns red? Then waiting for the area to stop peeling and scabbing? Ugh. No thanks!  πŸƒ Some people may even bruise from waxing! If you do forge ahead with waxing remember to carefully choose the right type of wax for the hair or area being treated, remember to prep the skin correctly and to remove waxing strips the right way

4. Hair removal cream

Less painful than waxing, hair removal cream can be a better alternative to waxing for sensitive skin types from a pain perspective but… and there’s a big BUT. Hair removal creams or ‘depilatories’ use strong chemicals to break down the hair so that it can be wiped off. Hair removal creams are known to make the skin burn, turn red, peel and scab. So, a word of warning, think twice sensitive (and all) skin types!

So, you sensitive skin types… listen up. For smooth, ready to go skin all year round, try laser hair removal. Book your FREE, no obligation consultation at your nearest LCNZ.